We are creatures of habit. Whether we pay attention to them or not, our habitual ways provide comfort, efficiency and familiarity but they also constrict. 1-1 coaching is focused time to help you notice, name and find freedom from the habits that are running your life.

Real change takes time and is more the product of regular presence and practice than information or technique. For that reason, we practice a lot in coaching sessions. If it seems beneficial I might offer some Enneagram information but coaching is mostly about standing witness to your life -as you experience it- and offering compassionate reflection and gentle invitations to pause and be present.

Knowing your, “why?” is important to me so I’ll take time to hear about what brings you to inner work at this moment. We’ll get clear on your hopes and goals and tailor our sessions to them.

These sessions are available in person or virtually. I’d love to chat with you to see if 1:1 Coaching is right for you. Reach out for a free consultation!


The Enneagram has proven a powerful tool both for individuals to learn about themselves and for groups to learn about one another. Any interested group can benefit from learning about the Enneagram. I’ve enjoyed teaching for businesses, teams, spiritual communities and enthusiasts in formats varying from one-time seminar style events to long form engagements over several weeks or months.

I’ve found that hearing from individuals about how they experience their type is the most profound and impactful way to learn about the types. My teaching reflects that and focuses on drawing out the wisdom already present in participants and invites their stories as instructive expressions of type.

In all of my offerings I bring a soulful tone and honor the reality that each individual’s unique blend of identities and social location will meaningfully interact with their Enneagram type.

If you’re curious about how the Enneagram can support your group or team, let’s talk!

Justice + Enneagram

Inner work is a critical component of justice work. Working with our habitual and unconscious ways of being is necessary if we are to meaningfully untangle from a culture of supremacy and work towards a society where all people can flourish.

In my experience facilitating learning groups on racism I’ve seen the immense need for the capacities developed through inner work with the Enneagram. Skills like compassionate self observation, somatic awareness, receptivity and humility are all essential to the Enneagram work I do and are key to justice efforts.

Conversely, I’ve also heard questions about the greater purpose of Enneagram work. As I’ve engaged in my own inner journey and witnessed community members return home to themselves using the Enneagram, the clear shift is outward to the world with postures of compassion, commitment and humility. These are precisely the kinds of characteristics needed to transform our society into a more just and equitable one.

I’ve developed and facilitated group work for spiritual communities for 10 years covering topics including race, justice, and inner work with the Enneagram. I am currently open to working with interested individuals and groups to offer Enneagram teaching as a doorway to engage Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging goals.

If you’re interested in exploring this type of work please connect with me!

working groups

Fall 2023 Group: The Embodied Enneagram: Inner Resourcing to Cultivate a More Just World. Check out the details and apply here.

There is a strong emphasis on the working in working groups. Rather than just transfer information, I facilitate real engagement with what we find about ourselves. Whether exploring basic Enneagram type structure or more complex dynamics, these groups are rooted in the truth that information alone does not transform and that freedom requires embodied presence. Groups offer a uniquely powerful space to witness and be witnessed in the process of our own expansion.

I’ve offered groups covering the core components of Enneagram type as well as groups working with themes like; Decision making, Relationships, Conflict, Type Bias, Identification and Justice. These groups best serve folks familiar with the Enneagram and who are interested to begin working with their own type patterns and habits in the presence of others.

Please connect with me if this type of group is of interest to you!

Type Discernment

New to the Enneagram? Think you might have mistyped yourself? A 1-1 typing interview will help you discern where you fit in the Enneagram.

After over a decade using and talking with people about the Enneagram I am convinced that the very best way for a person to land on a type that matches them is through a dialogue. That dialogue can be between an individual and a podcast/book/article etc. or a live panel interview, or, as I offer here, a 1:1 Typing Interview. This type of interaction is much more dynamic than an online assessment and can take into account more than your multiple choice responses.

I am a strong believer that people beginning inner work with the Enneagram should self identify with the point that most connects with them. At the end of an interview you can expect to be pointed in a direction that I anticipate will resonate with you but I won’t tell you, “you’re X type.” Your inner journey is too sacred a ground for me to be stamping it with my certainty.

I’d be happy to help discern if this is your next step with a free consultation.


Let’s work together

I’m always interested to talk with folks who are curious about my work. I love to get creative with clients, too. I want to hear your ideas for using the Enneagram! Looking forward to our conversation!

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